Last week of January 2025, round up!

Published on 1 February 2025 at 10:46

Challenges in progress:

  • Dry January
  • RED January
  • 1000 mile challenge
  • Trail to 5k


Wednesday 29th January 2025

Today we headed over to the British Ironwork's Centre in Oswestry- what a fab morning out! It was free admission and parking today, so that was a great start. We wandered around the Sculpture park, absolutely loved it. Thought I would share the dinosaurs, predator, my amazing loungefly Jaws bag on it's first outing and the Medusa mirror in the ladies bathroom! I could share loads of awesome photos, but would say to visit yourself if possible. Walked around and covered 2.56 miles around with husband and Flora, then had a wonderful lunch, buying cakes to take home with us! Detoured on the way home to visit my mum, who is babysitting my niece, we had cuddles whilst husband re-stringed a guitar for my stepdad. Ended the day with an old staffie potter, total boots on: 3.3, no booze.


Thursday 30th January 2025

Had planned to do a minimal movement day today, as been busy so far this week, but the sun was shining so I asked my mum if she wanted to do her final run of week 1. She did, so we met and went around a local route, total boots on: 3 miles exactly. We did the week 1, run 3 on her app, so that was good and we are back in line with each other. We took our time, going for slow movement over time, rather than trying to cane it and ruin ourselves. Once program finished, we just enjoyed the walk, then mum suggested an extra run, and to go a bit faster so we did- not sure how long we went, but long enough. I then suggested running up and walking across then down an old bridge, mum managed 3 times, and I did 5. Buzzing! Thighs were on fire though, may regret this tomorrow.

Friday 31st January 2025

Final day of January, what a month! Today, I decided for the last day and with tired thighs, I would end with a walking video for 15 minutes on Youtube! Legs were still burning anytime they were engaged- hahaha. Got my hair cut, and also cleaned downstairs, so kept active overall. Not much to say, but completed my two challenges for this month.


Week 5 round up:

  • Completed RED January for week 5, moved every single day- not sure how I feel about this ending to be honest, has been interesting to have to do something everyday, moved me out of my comfort zone for sure
  • Completed Dry January for the week (and month)- can drink again on Saturday if I wish!
  • 1000 mile challenge:  6.3 boots on miles completed by the end of January this week, will review weekly moving forward, but this is the Jan round up! Total so far is 96.54/1000 miles
  • Trail to 5k, this isn't going as well as I hoped, but I am still trying, mostly gone on bigger walks this week on days, hard to fit the running in when your legs are pooped from walking


Overview of January 2025

  • Smashed dry January, though definitely tricky at times with the old wanting to relax and that being the easiest way!
  • Smashed Red January, really pleased with this. Has been tricky to fit in or know what to do at times, but really glad I completed it
  • 1000 mile challenge is on target, hooray! Great to end January at almost 100 miles, perhaps if I had noticed this, I might have tried to add a few more miles in haha
  • Trail to 5k is more limping than smashing, but still ongoing. And to be fair, running in any form is so new to me, I have never ran before and until the last couple of months, I have never wanted to. Walking is improving and this has been over months, so need to remind myself progress takes time


Plans for February 2025

  • One long walk, relatively flat- may do another section of the Wales coastal path. Or maybe I will just focus on the running aspect, decisions
  • Keep going with the trail to 5k, trail run is in March so time is flying along! Have decided to just do the course online, feeling overwhelmed and anxious about going face to face, knowing I am struggling and behind on the training
  • Don't get into the habit of a bottle of wine every Friday again, have done well and it definitely helps with the movement journey to not wake up feeling a little rough on Saturday!
  • Would I be mad to sign up to a trail run around the Alwen in September- 11.2km and I haven't even made it to 5k I mad? Yes, I think I am.


If anyone is reading, how did your January go? Did you achieve what you wanted? What are your other goals moving forward?

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