January 2025- second week!

Published on 18 January 2025 at 09:55

I had typed this out already, but managed to forget I copied it, and copied something else so lost it...doh! Need to be better!

Anyway... second week of January, what have you been like? Lets review.


Challenges in progress:

  • Dry January
  • RED January
  • 1000 mile challenge
  • Trail to 5k


January 8th

Went for my lunchtime walk, skies were brilliantly blue as you can see from the picture! Lovely, cold and fresh day. After work, met with husband and the youngest dog to walk around our local block. We did walk/run for this loop, it was slippy and getting icy so lots of care taken, husband continued his coaching role and I did manage to push myself further than I thought I would- still not running for more than a minute or so, but I am a beginner right? Legs also tired from the walk/run the day before. Felt very heavy today, felt my shins feeling some pressure so will monitor this. Stitch was less intense today, but I can still feel it hovering almost constantly, practised deep breathing and lifting my arm straight up if needed. Decided it was too cold for the elderly pups, we have a massive garden- partly a field, so they still get plenty of outdoor time as they desire. Staffies are sunpigs, they are not impressed with this weather at all. Boots on miles: 3.98 today, no alcohol!


January 9th

When I woke up I went to have a shower, sadly, no hot water and no heating! Boiler had gone on strike, I dry shampooed my hair to within an inch of its life, then had a cold sink wash. What a start to the day! Nice lunchtime walk though, decided that this was enough exercise for today, feeling fatigued and tired. It is interesting to see how much you can push your body, whilst to some, what I am doing will seem like a rest day, to me, this is a huge change and my muscles do struggle with the change to my lifestyle. I really didn't think I could run/walk two days in a row, and I did! Wow, body you are awesome! And although I 'only' did 1.23 boots on miles today, I still did 11,573 steps as I was active at work. Nice! Boiler man has said he will come tomorrow, fingers crossed. Enjoy a picture of one of the elderly sunpigs enjoying the fire, which I am very thankful we have. This is Red, he has a very large fatty lump on his shoulder, vet is not concerned so we just monitor it closely.

January 10th

Went for a couple of walks today, did my lunchtime walk, still icy, even along the prom so took it steady. Left work a little early as had some time back and had been quite stressed. Met husband and the youngest dog and went for a good walk along the sand dunes. Less slippy than other areas, odd to walk on frozen sand though! Flora had a great time, flying around and doing spaniel things. I needed this walk today, my brain was full of work and questioning if I had done everything right, had I made good choices, am I really a competent nurse, should I just quit and go find a job in a garden centre- this is genuinely appealing, love plants! Moving and chatting helps you to get out your own head.


January 11th

No boots on walking today, so I did a 15 min stretch video, 30 minute belly fat standing video and 10 minute dumbbells. Good overall exercise. Keeping up with RED January and Dry January so far. Lovely to just spend the whole day at home, need this comfort sometimes. Dogs played outside in the garden field bit, youngest dog did some sniffer work as well as playtime, gets her nice and tired.


January 12th

Did a lovely big walk today, will do it justice with its own blog post! 11.13 boots on miles today, no booze. 


January 13th

Completed my usual lunch time walk today then decided to do a walk/run along the prom. Was trying to jog/run two lamp posts, then walk for two. Did a mile. Was on my own and it did feel more difficult to maintain on my own, but I still did it. Was hard as my legs were tired from yesterday, not sure if I should have allowed more chill time for my body. But I did feel less tight muscle wise afterwards. And feeling pressure for not having completed all the work the running course has told us to do, but it is hard when I want to practice longer walks as well as try running. The marathon is creeping closer and closer and I am so scared I won't be able to do it. 2.20 boots on miles today, no booze.


January 14th

Lunch time and elderly dog pootle today, taking me to 2miles boots on! Still feeling stiff and tired in the old legs, but not too bad. Happy to have this as my overall exercise today. No booze. 


Week 2 round up:

  • Completed RED January, for week 2, moved every single day, another couple of weeks to go
  • Completed Dry January for the week, did really want wine on the Friday, but walked through it instead!
  • 1000 mile challenge: 26.11 boots on miles completed this week, this is over target so that is nice and can mean some leeway in the future if needed. Total so far is 45.6/1000 miles
  • Trail to 5k, not improving or managing like I had hoped, but maybe I am being just too hard on myself, I am doing so much more exercise than ever before, be kind Jodie's brain, be kind!

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